1. Please log into your account at https://www.themisbar.com/sign_in using a desktop or laptop. 
  2. Once logged in you will see two green links to the right of "Bar Reviews" and "Free Programs"; click either of these two links.
  3. A drop-down on the right hand side should appear. If you wish to add a free Law School Essentials or MPRE Review course, check the box associated with the course you would like to add and the course date, then scroll down and click the green button reading "ENROLL". If you wish to add a bar review course, please select the state and dates you would like to enroll in. Check to make sure the pricing is correct, then check the box for your state bar review and shipping option; scroll down and click "ENROLL". If you wish to ONLY enroll in MBE Review, there is an option at the bottom where you can select your preferences.
  4. You are now enrolled in your selected courses. Check your account to make sure your courses are there.

PLEASE NOTE: Some courses do not open immediately when clicking ENROLL. It is important to note when each course will open as you will not be able to access them until the course start date.